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About RIMC

The Research and Consultation Centre was established on the 1st of May, 1986. On the 1st of January, 2006, the centre was merged with the Publishing, Broadcasting and Media Technology Division and renamed the Department of Research and Innovation. On 1st of January, 2008, after a restructuring exercise, the department was renamed as the Research and Innovation Management Centre (RIMC).

Contact Us

Research and Innovation Management Centre (RIMC), Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010 UUM Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman, MALAYSIA.

Tel: +604-928 4771/4768

Fax : +604-928 4756

Sun - Wed : 8:00 - 17:00
Thu : 8:00 - 15:30
Rest : 13:00 - 14:00
